Mirriam-Webster defines hope as follows: "to cherish a desire with anticipation" and "to desire with expectation of obtainment."
I have been thinking a great deal about the word 'hope' over the past month, for I have experienced the sheer joy of a hopeful people (100+ kids making these facilities literally shake during Vacation Bible School) and the crushingly toxic environment of being around people who have not one positive thing they celebrate, not one moment of sheer joy or pleasure, for they appear to be focused purely on what is wrong, absolutely and without a doubt anticipating what will go wrong next.
Contrasting the two, I cannot help but remind myself, and, by way of this message, you, that of all the emotions of life that we have been given by God, hope has got to be central to our mindset. I say this not in a pollyannish way, encouraging you to stick your head in the sand and ignore the realities of life. No, I give it to you as a reminder that you will find highs and lows of life (pretty much every day), and without the hope of a better tomorrow (which we have been given through the promise of Christ's return in glory), we can literally have the life sucked out of us.
"...[N]or anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord." Hold on to this - for I promise you that one day, a new heaven and a new earth are coming, and if you have your life grounded in the things of this world (both good and bad), at some point you will be left with nothing, for this world will be gone.
Our kids at VBS are learning about and experiencing the hope of life in Christ. However, VBS will finish tomorrow night. Let us all resolve to give them continual reminders of the hope of a better day by the way we conduct ourselves in thought, word, and deed.
See You Sunday!