Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Vol 1 No 10 - Non-Sunday Ministry

I want to thank the youth of our church for providing me with a great weekend parking cars at our facilities. It was a sheer joy to spend time with our youth and adult volunteers. What I enjoyed most was not the heat, or the standing for 4-6 hours at a time, or dealing with ornery and/or drunk patrons (although each of these, in their own way, was good) - no, what I enjoyed most was the fellowship with those working the parking lots. Far too often, we allow ourselves minimal interaction on Sunday mornings and then don't see each other much during the week. Precisely for this reason we must sieze opportunities like this fundraiser, the garage sale coming up, and other events in the life of the church to truly develop into the family of the church. When was the last time you were involved in something involving the church other than Sunday morning worship?

From all accounts, the Shrimp & Petroleum Festival Parking Lot Fundraiser was a rousing success, and we were able to share in this success by raising over $3400 for the youth program, providing for many of their needs for the year. If you were unable to attend the festival and support their fundraiser, I encourage you to financially support the youth group to futher God's work among the next generation. Just mark "Youth" on your check or envelope and drop it into the plate on Sunday.

Finally, please continue to be in prayer for the Committee on Lay Leadership. We are meeting again this Sunday and are in search of God's wisdom for the leadership of the church. I am fully confident that God has placed within the church all the resources we need to do the Kingdom's work for this time in our lives. May your prayer be for the committee's wisdom and for willing people to serve when called upon.

See you Sunday!