Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Vol 2 No 7 - Chaos

My deepest apologies for getting this edition of the MWM to you so late. This has been a very hectic week, and one that has reminded me once again of just how wonderful an appointment Pharr Chapel is for any pastor. I want to highlight just two of the things I have been spending my time doing as your pastor.

At the end of each calendar year, each congregation in United Methodist has to engage in what is known as the annual audit, but is actually just a statistical review of the prior year. During the second week of January, each pastor brings the reports for their appointment to the District Office and meets with the District Superintendent to look at last year and plan for the next year. Reviewing our year, I want to share with you that in almost every major statistical category, Pharr Chapel showed significant gains over 2005, and is in position to do more in 2007. We had 13 people join on profession of faith, and saw operating income that was 122% of what was projected, receiving a phenomenal 98.95% of the dollar amount pledged - what a great testimony to your faith! Also, as a result of your faithfulness to God's call, we saw a 71.5% increase in the dollar amount pledged for 2007 over 2006, and a 48% increase in the number of pledges. I can safely say that these kind of numbers place Pharr Chapel very favorably when looking at other congregations of our size and attendance.

There is a team of pastors who help assimilate all the data and verifies that all the numbers add up and are in the right spots - I was honored to be asked to take part of this team on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We are blessed to be part of a district and a conference with such fine congregations and pastors!

The other thing I want to highlight for you is that your Long-Range Planning Committee is meeting for their orientation session tomorrow night @ 6:00PM. As I shared with the church council on Monday night, we have a rich and glorious history to draw from at Pharr Chapel, but if we do not seek to be ready for the future and the ministry challenges that are facing us, we will not only have a history, but we will be history. Your church council has already taken some steps to help move towards this future, approving a budget that for the first time provides funding for our youth program and our mini-Methodist programs, among many other highlights. Please join me in prayer for the future of our congregation, and specifically for the work of the LRPC. You will be hearing much more from these men and women in the next few months.

So many things are going on that I want to share with you, but I know that I have already written too much - so let me conclude by thanking you all for your words of concern about Erin. There seem to be several things compounding the bronchitis that has taken hold, and will be facing a little longer recovery period than originally anticipated. She is slowing returning to work on a limited basis, however she is still feeling very weak. We covet your thoughts and prayers, and know that she will soon be free of this illness.

See you Sunday!