In the mail this morning I received the registration form for summer camps at our district camp, Uskitchitto Retreat Center in LeBlanc, LA. Looking over the many different camps that are going to be offered this season, I am jealous of the opportunities our young people have to get to experience God. From Kindergarten through 12th grade, there is something available for everyone. As a member of the board of directors, I can assure you that any child who has the opportunity to go will be immensely rewarded by their time spent with children and adults from all over the tri-district area. As your pastor, I can assure you that the church will make sure that any child who wants to attend a camp will be able - we as the church will provide whatever it takes, be it finances or transportation or both. I know that a number of parents have their children involved in a number of things for summer - I strongly encourage you to get the children in your lives (children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews) to attend one of these camps.
Why do I feel summer camp is so important? Continuing from the theme of yesterday's special edition of this e-mail, one cannot help but be struck by how so many people are struggling to respond to this tragedy at Virginia Tech. My heart aches for those college students who are having to deal with the aftermath of the horror that went on in front of them or at least on the campus where they live. I wonder how much we as the church do to help our children prepare for those times when tragedies occur. I wonder how much parents understand that it is not only our right, but it is our responsibility to ensure that our children get as much exposure as they can to the truth of God's grace and love - and that this responsibility extends beyond worship for one hour on one day of the week. Reading and watching the coverage of these events, I just want to scream at all involved that better days are ahead. Sadly, however, I don't think as many of them as we would like to think have ever heard that message, much less been exposed to it on a regular basis. That's why I value our camping program so much - from the earliest age, we provide an environment where our kids are given a reality to ground themselves in - a reality that they will need for their entire lives, since we will never be able to insulate them from the possibility that their school could be next, no matter how much we try to stop these things.
For more information on the summer camping program, visit or shoot me an e-mail.
See you Sunday!
Why do I feel summer camp is so important? Continuing from the theme of yesterday's special edition of this e-mail, one cannot help but be struck by how so many people are struggling to respond to this tragedy at Virginia Tech. My heart aches for those college students who are having to deal with the aftermath of the horror that went on in front of them or at least on the campus where they live. I wonder how much we as the church do to help our children prepare for those times when tragedies occur. I wonder how much parents understand that it is not only our right, but it is our responsibility to ensure that our children get as much exposure as they can to the truth of God's grace and love - and that this responsibility extends beyond worship for one hour on one day of the week. Reading and watching the coverage of these events, I just want to scream at all involved that better days are ahead. Sadly, however, I don't think as many of them as we would like to think have ever heard that message, much less been exposed to it on a regular basis. That's why I value our camping program so much - from the earliest age, we provide an environment where our kids are given a reality to ground themselves in - a reality that they will need for their entire lives, since we will never be able to insulate them from the possibility that their school could be next, no matter how much we try to stop these things.
For more information on the summer camping program, visit or shoot me an e-mail.
See you Sunday!