Thursday, August 16, 2007

Vol 2 No 38 - Upon Further Review...

Your mid-week message is coming out late this week because I spent yesterday looking at what will be going on around here in the fall with respect to my Sunday School class and the pastor's bible studies. Sitting down to plan these things, I did not expect it to take very long - as many of you are aware, very rarely do I do anything spontaneously. However, as I started looking over the various materials, I could not shake the feeling that what I initially had in mind was not what needed to happen. Thinking and praying about this a little more, I wound up going on completely different directions with respect to the Sunday School curriculum and the bible study curriculum; reflecting on these again this morning it is obvious that I am much more at peace with these decisions than if I had gone with my initial instincts.

You will hear more about the particulars of these studies further down in this e-mail. The reason I mention them here is that once again, sometimes what we think will happen, and what we think will make sense, does, after some thought and reflection, turns out to be exactly the opposite of what should happen. The dominating thought going through my mind as this is written is along the lines of wondering what our lives, our congregation, and our world would look like if we always went with our first instincts, and did not engage in thought and reflection before making decisions. If honesty is important to us, each of us will admit that many of the best decisions we have made in life were indeed those that we wound up doing a little different than we first imagined.

During this next week, may you find yourself putting a little more thought and reflection into the decisions you face. You never know how God may use that time to show you a better way.

See you Sunday!

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