Thursday, September 6, 2007

Vol 2 No 41 - Role With It

Tonight begins another fascinating season in the life of our congregation, for tonight your Committee on Lay Leadership will be meeting to begin the process of nominating people to serve as officers and committee members for our congregation in 2008. This is the only committee that the pastor chairs with full voting rights, and is one of the most strategically influential in any congregation. The men and women who make up this committee are given heavy responsibility to ensure, through prayer, discernment, and conversation, that God's will is done through the process.

As you pastor, it is a neat time to look around the people who make up the congregation and to starting thinking about what the leadership of the congregation might look like. Any congregation our size has many different personalities and philosophies to consider; we indeed are blessed to have such a wonderful group of people from which to select. My hope and prayer is that you will join me in praying for this committee as they go about this awesome task, and that you will prayerfully consider serving if asked by the committee.

I met with the District Superintendent last Friday to present my plan for ministry for 2008. As Roger and I talked, I emphasized to him how much Erin and I have been blessed to be here. Preparing for this Committee on Lay Leadership meeting tonight has once again reminded me of how true that statement is - for I am overwhelmed when I think about all the possibilities that God has laid before us through you.

In several of his writings in the New Testament, Paul writes at length about the Body of Christ and how no one part of the Body of Christ can get along as it should without the others. He writes about each one in the Body of Christ has a unique role to play and brings their own set of gifts to the table to be used within the context of the community to bring about the glory of God here on earth. His thoughts are just as true today as when they were written. May you come to realize and accept that your role is just as important as anyone else's and that your service is vital to us fulfilling God's will for this congregation

See you Sunday!

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