Thursday, October 25, 2007

Vol 2 No 47 - A Statment of Faith & Community

What a great Sunday we were a part of this past week! I cannot tell you how much I am proud of our congregation for responding to God's grace, mercy, and love by investing in the future of this congregation - making the statement that we have much to do and that we are behind that work being done. Our charge conference showed the true strength of this congregation by engaging in the issues of the church - we even had people who were not voting members of the charge conference show up and offer input on the issues we will be facing in the next few years. As your pastor, I cannot express the emotions that I felt as we truly came together to form consensus on where it is that we feel God is leading us. A church that has people interested enough in it's future to show up, ask questions, debate (in a Christian manner) various points of view, and find common ground - this is one of the marks that the people of the congregation are ready to engage in the work of God in and through us.

Even though charge conference was the highlight of Sunday (since what can be better than the people of the church taking ownership of what is upcoming in the church's life), we also had another event that I want to report very preliminary results on - our Consecration Sunday. Thank you for your graciousness and hospitality towards Rev. Danny Gleason - it was a joy to have him with us and to see you interact with him. To have over 110 in worship, with most staying for the wonderful meal afterwards, was a delight. Oh, and to be a part of a congregation where there was, just in the first day alone, a 23% increase in the amount pledged (making it a 103% increase in 2 years!) and to see that of those pledging on the first day that 66% of the people turning in their pledge cards increased their pledge from 2007 -- what a statement about your faith and trust in God. I remain truly humbled at how you are responding to God, taking seriously the idea of growing towards the tithe.

Thank you again for the honor of being your pastor - I can't imagine being in a better place right now to see what God will do in this ministry,

See you Sunday!

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