Thursday, January 10, 2008

Vol 3 No 7 - From the Crow's Nest

In the early part of January each year, every pastor across United Methodism has to prepare and submit a year-end 'audit' for the previous year. Information included in this process concerns membership, attendance, programs, finances, and other measures of the congregation's life. The second week of January, each pastor has to present themselves and their information to the district office, where the numbers are verified by a team of pastor. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at our district office in Lafayette as one of the audit team, and I was excited to see not only how much our church has grown the past year in many areas, but also how healthy we are in relation to other churches in our area. In 2007, we saw a 10% increase in average attendance and over 50% increase in our giving and expenditures.

What I am reminded of as a part of this process each year is that we far too often get caught up in the minutiae of everyday life and fail to see what is happening overall in our lives and, as a pastor, in the life of the congregation. It's only after looking back over the past year, and at previous years, that I truly get a sense of what God is doing. It's only after looking back that I can see that attendance grew by 10% last year after having declined a total of 33% over the previous five years. It's only after looking back that I can see that we are projecting to have an increase of almost 140% in our income from two years ago. It's only after looking back that I can see that God is moving mightily in our midst, and, by seeing this, can be more excited about where he is taking us in 2008 and beyond.

On a personal note, last weekend I was in the parsonage of my first church visiting with their current pastor and was flooded with memories of my time there. Looking around, I thought a great deal about what all I did and what I did not do, and about what I would do differently if I were to go back there. I was reminded, by looking back at where I was, just how far I have grown as a person and as a pastor. It was a great moment, for I was reminded of God's gracious work in my life.

As you go into the rest of this Thursday and into this weekend, let me ask you - when was the last time you sat back and look at things from the larger perspective? When was the last time you looked back over a longer horizon and seen how God has worked in your life? When was the last time you went from the day-to-day battles of life to the overall 'big picture'?

Don't fall into the trap of allowing every day to dictate your attitude about life. It can physically and spiritually debilitate you.

See you Sunday!

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