Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vol 3 No 16 - Holy Week

Most of the time I make an effort in this space to give you something to chew on as you walk in your journey with Christ, or to let you know of something upcoming in the life of the congregation. The starkness of this week leads me in a different direction, however.

This is Holy Week. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday we will be gathering for worship at 6:00PM. Easter Sunday, we will be gathering for worship at 10:00AM.

If these days ever fail to get our attention and these worship opportunities ever fail to become the number one priority on these days, then it tells us more than anything about our faith. Christ's Last Supper, His Death, and His Resurrection. What more could he do to tell us of the importance of these days?

See you Tomorrow, Friday, AND Sunday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vol 3 No 15 - Pre-Holy Week Recognitions

I want to take a moment to thank in advance a few people who are going to help make our Holy Week 2008 one of the best ones yet in the history of Pharr Chapel.

Thank you to John & Cindy Lacy, who are going to take care of cooking our lunch on Palm Sunday.

Thank you to Marietta Race who has helped organize this lunch.

Thank you to Dana Blanco & Thelma Liner for organizing the picnic activities.

Thank you to those unnamed who are going to help prep the church for Maundy Thursday.

Thank you to Marlene Hendrix and all those involved in our music ministry
who will be leading our service on Good Friday along with some of their friends.

Thank you to those of you who purchased the lilies we will have in our sanctuary Easter Sunday.

This week is the most awe-inspiring week of the year. To remember again the miracles of the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, the holiness of the Last Supper, the ironic victory of Good Friday, and the unbridled joy of Easter Sunday is something that we cannot allow ourselves to take for granted just because we've been through it before.

To have the opportunity to gather as a community for this Holy Week is an honor and a privilege for me. I cannot wait for us to journey down this road together, the highs and the lows, as we celebrate Christ's life, death, and resurrection. If there is someone you have been waiting to bring to church, this is a great time to do so.

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Vol 3 No 14 - Membership in Lenten Context

Less than three weeks! Three weeks! Can you believe that less than three weeks from now we will be celebrating Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday! O what joy! So much to do between now and then...

I had the great occasion Monday to visit about the vows of membership and what is involved in being a member of our congregation and it has gotten me thinking since then about what it does mean to be a member of this congregation and the responsibilities that come with these vows. Then I started thinking a little more about what is coming up over the next few weeks and saw that we will have the opportunity to live out all four areas that we pledge to fulfill:


Lent is a wonderful time to recommit ourselves to the discipline of prayer, and not just prayers for things in our lives, but also for our community of faith. As we approach Holy Week be in prayer now for those who will be attending worship with us as well as all of those leading our worship experiences.


In addition to our regular Sunday morning worship, we will be involved in our annual Mission Run/Walk on the 15th, our Palm Sunday picnic & Easter Egg Hunt on the 16th, Maunday Thursday communion worship, & Good Friday worship led by our music ministry, there are great opportunities to be with your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.


Quite simply, the Scriptures remind us over and over again that everything thing that we have is God's, given to us to bring him glory. No matter what your gifts are, the anticipation of the Easter season is a great time to ask yourself if you are bringing the gifts God has blessed you with to the ministry of this congregation.


I know that we will need volunteers to assist with the Mission Run and with the Palm Sunday Picnic. In addition, I have been visiting with some of you about some local outreach opportunities to be involved with later this summer and a very special one around Thanksgiving - be sure to use this time of reflection and anticipation during Lent to ask yourself if you are truly carrying out with integrity the vow you took to be in service to your community of faith.

God has truly blessed us with a wonderful congregation. Let's make sure that we are continuing (or beginning again) to remember our promises to God to be a part of the Kingdom work in this special place.

See you Sunday!