Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vol 3 No 15 - Pre-Holy Week Recognitions

I want to take a moment to thank in advance a few people who are going to help make our Holy Week 2008 one of the best ones yet in the history of Pharr Chapel.

Thank you to John & Cindy Lacy, who are going to take care of cooking our lunch on Palm Sunday.

Thank you to Marietta Race who has helped organize this lunch.

Thank you to Dana Blanco & Thelma Liner for organizing the picnic activities.

Thank you to those unnamed who are going to help prep the church for Maundy Thursday.

Thank you to Marlene Hendrix and all those involved in our music ministry
who will be leading our service on Good Friday along with some of their friends.

Thank you to those of you who purchased the lilies we will have in our sanctuary Easter Sunday.

This week is the most awe-inspiring week of the year. To remember again the miracles of the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday, the holiness of the Last Supper, the ironic victory of Good Friday, and the unbridled joy of Easter Sunday is something that we cannot allow ourselves to take for granted just because we've been through it before.

To have the opportunity to gather as a community for this Holy Week is an honor and a privilege for me. I cannot wait for us to journey down this road together, the highs and the lows, as we celebrate Christ's life, death, and resurrection. If there is someone you have been waiting to bring to church, this is a great time to do so.

See you Sunday!

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