Friday, September 5, 2008

Vol 3 No 36 - Post-Gustav Update

Well, friends, I know that it has been a long week for so many of us.  I hope and pray that as you and yours return to our area and go about cleaning up the debris from our recent visitor that you are doing well.  A little tired, a little worn, but grateful that even in the midst of our messes that it wasn't worse.

The main point of today's message is to let you know that we are resuming our normal Sunday activities this week - Sunday School @ 9:00 and Morning Worship @ 10:00.  This Sunday we will be celebrating the sacrament of holy communion, and I can think of no better way for us to come back together again in worship than to gather around the table of the one who brought us together originally.

For those of you who may not be aware, the church facilities weathered the storm just fine.  A few little pieces of siding were displaced, as was our church sign, and the huge oak tree in the back lot is no longer with us, but other than that, nothing major to write home about.  Speaking of home, my home, your parsonage, fared very well during the storm - losing only the aluminum covering over the patio and a bush out front.  Erin and I want to thank you all again for providing us such a nice place to live.

Finally, I want to thank all of you that were diligent in keep in touch during the evacuation - cell phone calls, text messages, and e-mails did a lot to pass the time.  It also helped to disseminate the news from back home and to keep people in touch.  Once again, this proved that the body of Christ does not need a facility to truly be the community of faith.
See You Sunday!

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