Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vol 3 No 41 - Hitting a Curveball

...[S]pirituality is not a self-generated
achievement but a gift given to us by God.  
This gift sets us free to see life in a new way
and to live life as God intended, 
in union with the purposes of the
Creator and Redeemer of the world.
Dr. Robert Webber -
The Divine Embrace:
Recovering the Passionate Spiritual Life

I have been thinking a lot about each of you over the past couple of weeks since I last wrote you.  Due to a number of unforeseen circumstances that arose last week, I simply did not get this e-mail out (and I deeply apologize for that).  I have been thinking a lot about each of you over the past couple of weeks because its during recent times like I have been through that I am reminded so much that we can have the best-laid plans for our time, and our immediate schedule planned out to the nth degree, when other factors come in to blow all this out of proportion.

"Of course, Lamar, we all know this.  Skip past the pablum and give us something to read here."

The reason you have come to mind is that often times, more than we care to realize, the condition of our relationship with God dictates how we respond to the curveballs that are thrown our way.  This is why it is so important as we continue in our series on our vows of membership (more details below) that we remember why we take vows of membership to support our congregation with our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, and Service.  When we actively participate in the community of faith, and support it wholeheartedly, we cannot help but be renewed, strengthened, and built up as we prepare to live out our lives.  It is real easy to want to draw upon God and the community of God when chips are down and we are at our lowest points; it is when we allow ourselves to be continually renewed and rejuvenated through life in the household of God that we can better face the trials and temptations of life.

None of us knows, as you all are aware, what today or tomorrow will bring.  However, each of us knows, who promises to walk with us through what today or tomorrow will bring.  Each of us knows that a major reason Christ sent the Holy Spirit to form the church is so that we are strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.  Let us make sure we are committed to supporting his church through our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, and Service.

See You Sunday!

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