Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vol 4 No 3 - How is it with Your Soul?

Earlier this morning, I had an interesting conversation with one of my colleagues about the question, "How is it with your soul?", and as he and I were talking he made a wonderful observation that cuts to the quick of our Christianity.  My colleague made the observation that far too often we ask the wrong question.  Instead of inquiring as to how it is with our souls, my friend commented that we should be asking instead, "How is it with our walk [with Christ]?".

Today's message is very brief:  How is your walk with Christ?  How are you tending to your relationship to Him?  Is He someone you squeeze in when you can, or someone who you make a priority to be with?

Don't forget in this week before Christmas to help tend your walk with Christ by being with us for:

* - Our Feasting on the Word at the Table communion & prayer celebration TODAY from 12:15-12:40
* - Worshiping with us this Sunday morning as our music ministry presents the Word through their cantata
* - Participating in our collection of knit hats, knit gloves, and white socks for the January Reynosa mission, placing them (unwrapped) at the base of the Chrismon tree in the sanctuary
* - Joining in Sunday school for all ages at 9:00AM on Sunday morning
* - Bringing your friends, family, neighbors, and relatives to one of our Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion celebrations - 6:00PM or 11:00PM.

I look forward to us tending our walk with Christ together through each of these opportunities over the next week.  It is truly an honor to be able to engage in these activities with you.

See You Soon!

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