Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vol 4 No 20 - A Special Service

This week's mid-week message is a little bit different than normal, for I want to spend this week's note inviting you to a special worship service to be held next Monday night @ 7:00PM.  Worship on that evening will consist of the church receiving a special gift, a gift with lasting implications on all of us within the Christian movement, and it is important that as many of you as can be present as we receive this gift.  

What is this gift?  It is the gift of ordination.  As is stated in our Book of Discipline:

Ordination is a gift from God to the church.  In ordination, the church affirms and continues the apostolic ministry through persons empowered by the Holy Spirit.

This is an annual event in the life of our United Methodist Church, where those who have been called to the ordained ministry, have completed the educational and practical requirements, and been subject to rigorous examination by their peers are set apart for a life of service in this facet of ministry.  The Service of Ordination and Commissioning is the highlight of every annual conference session, and with annual conference being closer than usual this year, I encourage each and every one of you to make time to go celebrate this most joyful time in the life of the church.  Since our service will be held in the Ponchartrain Center, there should be plenty of seating for all.

I promise (and I don't normally make this kind of promise) that if you make the effort to journey to Kenner for this celebration, you will come away blessed beyond imagination.  Our resident bishop, William Hutchinson, will be presiding, and always brings a message that will inspire and enlighten us all. 

See you Sunday!

P.S.  Interested in helping out for VBS?  See note at the bottom of this message.

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