Thursday, October 8, 2009

Vol 4 No 36 - Need Some Help?

NOTE: This week's guest columnist is Rev. Erin Oliver, pastor of McGowen UMC in Jeanerette, LA.

The guy that takes care of our lawn came today.  He was mowing and weed-eating, doing what needed to be done.  Meanwhile, inside the house, Arph and Yip are barking away because someone is invading their yard.  It doesn't matter if he is trying to help, doing what he is supposed to just matters that someone is in their territory.  

I wonder how often we do the same.  When someone tries to help, when they are simply doing what they are supposed to we yell, or grump at them because they are in our territory.  There are plenty of stories from churches, businesses, families that we have all heard.  When someone offers help, do we feel they are intruding on our territory, or can we be thankful for God easing our load a bit.  If someone wants to help with something that has always been your job, how do you react?

I hope that I can do a bit better than my dogs!  I hope that I can be humble enough to remember that my way is not always the best, that I don't have to do everything on my own and that my territory isn't so important that I can't appreciate when someone is helping to take care of it. 


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