Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vol 4 No 42 - Thanksgiving

It's the day before Thanksgiving.  What else is there to say?  If you aren't aware now of how much you are blessed and the One who provides those blessings, then let's talk.

Otherwise, enjoy the rest of the week and prepare to wait.  (I mean, let's get into Advent!)

See you Sunday!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Vol 4 No 41 - Veterans Day

Reflecting upon the nation's observance of Veteran's Day, I can't help but be reminded that those who served were a part of something bigger than themselves, something that required dedication, sacrifice, and service above and beyond the trivial and banal, and how much those qualities have impacted our country, and indeed the world.

Looking at an ESPN feature on baseball players who served in World War II and Korea, I was confronted with the fact that many of these men gave the prime of their professional careers for something bigger.  People like Bob Feller, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, and countless others who either gave up parts of what was already a great career or didn't even have the chance to start their career because of service to their country.

And I can't help but wonder what that says about how we exercise our Christian faith when so often we make the excuse that we are too busy to be involved with the things of the Kingdom of God.

Imagine if the men and women of the Armed Services had said to their country, "Sorry, but I'm too busy to take on this task.  Find someone else who doesn't have as much going on and at some point when things slow down I'll consider doing something."  I seriously doubt any of us would have really wanted the life that would have resulted had this been their answer.

Yet, we have a cause even greater than the defense of one's country.  We have the gospel of Christ to spread to a world that desperately needs good news.  Far more often than any of us care to admit, however, we make excuses about how we are too busy.  Imagine the consequences that occur every time we do this.

Thank a veteran.  And also thank whoever took the time to introduce you to the saving grace of Christ our Lord.  They did you a far greater service than anyone else.

See you Sunday!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Vol 4 No 40 - Service Opportunities

Heading into this week's worship, wherein we will continue our Truly Giving Thanks: A Season of Gratitude series by looking at upholding our vow to support this congregation with our service, I continue to be struck by just how many different ways there are to serve our congregation through service.  Here's just a few:

Sunday Mornings: Usher, Liturgist, Acolyte, Choir, Nursery, Musician, Sound, Video

Missions:  Bi-Weekly UMCOR mission, VIM teams, Mission Run, Truly Giving Thanks Mission Meal, UMW

Children & Family Ministries: Leading Sunday School, It's a Kid Thing Children's Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Night in Bethlehem, Congregation Meals (Including Advent & Lenten Lunches), Visiting Shut-Ins

Like I said, these are just a few of the areas in which to serve.  I could have gone on to mention working with the various committees and offices of the church as well as helping our our office staff with mailings and bulletins, to name a couple more options.

The major thing to remember in all of this is that upholding our vow to support this congregation with our service is not as daunting a task as it may seem at times.  There are a number of areas in which to be involved.  The main question that we must ask ourselves is not, "Is there anywhere I really can be used?"; rather, the question is:

Was I serious when I said I would support this congregation with my service?

If you were, and you have not yet found a place in which to be involved, let me know ASAP and we will rectify this immediately.

See you Sunday!