Thursday, November 5, 2009

Vol 4 No 40 - Service Opportunities

Heading into this week's worship, wherein we will continue our Truly Giving Thanks: A Season of Gratitude series by looking at upholding our vow to support this congregation with our service, I continue to be struck by just how many different ways there are to serve our congregation through service.  Here's just a few:

Sunday Mornings: Usher, Liturgist, Acolyte, Choir, Nursery, Musician, Sound, Video

Missions:  Bi-Weekly UMCOR mission, VIM teams, Mission Run, Truly Giving Thanks Mission Meal, UMW

Children & Family Ministries: Leading Sunday School, It's a Kid Thing Children's Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Night in Bethlehem, Congregation Meals (Including Advent & Lenten Lunches), Visiting Shut-Ins

Like I said, these are just a few of the areas in which to serve.  I could have gone on to mention working with the various committees and offices of the church as well as helping our our office staff with mailings and bulletins, to name a couple more options.

The major thing to remember in all of this is that upholding our vow to support this congregation with our service is not as daunting a task as it may seem at times.  There are a number of areas in which to be involved.  The main question that we must ask ourselves is not, "Is there anywhere I really can be used?"; rather, the question is:

Was I serious when I said I would support this congregation with my service?

If you were, and you have not yet found a place in which to be involved, let me know ASAP and we will rectify this immediately.

See you Sunday!

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