Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vol 5 No 4 - A Baby Changes Everything

It almost feels kinda pointless to write a meditation/column for this week's e-mail, for this is the week we finally enter into Christmas.  I mean, it is one of those things wherein we know what is going on, don't we?  Christmas eve worship @ 6:00 & 11:00.  The familiar readings.  The familiar songs.  Candlelight and communion.  Familiar holiday traditions.  The joy and the politics of gift-giving and receiving.  Some bittersweet moments for a few, as you remember those who are not around the table this year and or how this Christmas is different from other years.  Deep life-altering radical changes that we get anxious about not knowing how they are going to play out or how to deal with them...

"Wait.  What?," I can hear some of you saying.  "I was with you up until that last point.  What do you mean, deep life-altering radical changes...."  Why, that's one of the joys of Christmas is its predictability.  With a few minor tweaks from year to year depending on circumstance, it pretty much rolls the same for us.

Well, not so fast, my friends.  Yes, Christmas is a joy because of the predictability of hearing the same words again from the scriptures...but, I wonder if we truly think through the implications of the complete UNpredictability of the Christmas celebration.  As the Christ child is symbolically placed in the midst of the nativity scene this year, I hope and pray that tangible representation of Christ's appearance in the world reminds us that things are no longer predictable.  With the arrival of the Christ child, things are different.  The Christ child leads his people in ways they never could have thought, to destinations they never could consider, and all he asks for is their complete trust and devotion.

That, my friends, is something you and I need to think more about as Christmas approaches.  If we are serious about following the Christ child, it will not be predictable.  If we are serious about following the Christ child, it will demand of us the need for complete faith and trust, especially when the answer or destination to a particular situation or circumstance is not inherently obvious.

So, come and worship with us on Christmas Eve (or at a church in your area if you do not live near us).  Come and hear the words from the prophet, the psalmist, the gospel, and the epistle.  Come and hear the message on "Why Christmas is Important (and it may not be what you think)."  Come and taste the tangible reminder of the grace that appeared during that night as we partake of the sacrament of holy communion.  Come and be inspired by the candlelight of the people of God raising the light of Christ.

And be ready for something you never expected.  After all, that is what happened on the first Christmas morning - something completely unexpected.

See you Sunday!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vol 5 No 3 - Shipping & Delivery Costs

It happened again yesterday - a last minute call from a friend looking to see if I could help them get a certain Christmas gift ordered and delivered by this Friday.  No problem, I said.  Of course, its just a matter of how much of a price you want to pay to have it delivered at the time you desire.  

I thought of this earlier as I have been asked by my family in Pittsburgh to facilitate sending them a turducken for their Christmas celebration.  The most expensive part of this, and the most difficult to coordinate, has been the timing (for its got to get there in time for them to thaw it) and packaging of delivery.  Overnighting a turducken cross-country, in case you haven't noticed, "ain't cheap."  But, the command given was, this is what we want - do what it takes to make it happen.  Personally, I can't wait to see the reaction when the final shipping charges are calculated, for I am sure that it will be a bit higher price than they expect.

In both of these cases, I am reminded of the events that led up to the arrival of the Christ child.  As we read in the prophets, the people of God were desiring a savior, anticipating the arrival of the messiah, and they wanted him now.  As happens so often in life, however, getting what we truly want often involves things we don't anticipate and at costs we cannot anticipate.

Who was expecting, for instance, that the mighty savior and deliverer of the people would come not in full military armor, but in a manger?

Who was expecting that he would be born of an unmarried teenage virgin?

Who was expecting him to come when he did?

Who was expecting that the cost of his arrival would be a complete and utter devotion to following him - a devotion that demands that we set aside the things of this world to solely focus on bringing about his kingdom?

Who was expecting that the cost of discipleship would involved being people who love and forgive - even if those who have done us wrong have no idea or show no signs of remorse?

Are you ready for the cost and timing of Christmas any more than they were?

See you Sunday!


P.S. Don't forget our Advent Luncheon @ 12:10 today - our District Superintendent, Roger Lathan, will be our guest speaker.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vol 5 No 2 - The Early Present

The package arrived late yesterday afternoon, and, I must admit, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  It's a package I've been looking forward to, as I do every year, but I was not expecting it now.  I had been told to expect it anytime, but, seriously, now?

After all, through the contents of this package, God will do some amazing things.  Personally, I can't wait to see how this package will impact so many lives before it's time with us is done, and how many more will be impacted later.  I just wasn't expecting it now.  As I look at it and think about it, I'm still not sure I was ready for it to arrive now - for there are so many other things on my mind that I need to take care of before I can add anything else...and I know that the arrival of this package is going to mean a lot of work on the parts of lots of people to make sure that its intended purpose is fulfilled.

Of course, I speak of the High Seas Adventure VBS 2010 planning kit.  Full of ideas, directions, suggestions...but I had to laugh as Melanie brought it in at the point I was just wrapping up Christmas Eve planning.

Thinking further about it, though, I came to the conclusion that the timing was perfect, as the Christmas Eve message this year is going to examine our preparation for Christmas.

Christ has a habit of showing up when we are least prepared for Him - are you doing anything to improve your preparation?

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vol 5 No 1 - Just Another Event?

Happy New Year!

You know, looking over the Advent flyer that many of you recently received in the mail, I see so much on our plate for this season and I wonder sometimes if it is too much.  Bible studies, luncheons, a cantata, a Night in Bethlehem, UMCOR missions, Christmas Eve worship - so many event not including the other things going on in life, such as work, family, friends...I would completely understand the temptation to think of all these church activities as just more events to have to attend during the Advent (NOT Christmas, but Advent) season.

And any of us who take such an attitude are SORELY MISTAKEN.

It hit me recently as I was visiting with the parent of a child I know - I think part of our problem is that we look at the formational events that God provides through the Christian community of our local congregation as one more thing on the calendar.

What if we considered these activities, no matter what they be, as part of a lifelong development of a relationship with God and the people of God, rather than one more thing to have to check off our to-do list?

I'm really excited about our Night in Bethlehem event this Sunday evening.  Last night, it was truly a joy to work with a crew to prepare the framing, seeing our fellowship hall start to transform into the Bethlehem of Christ's day.  Saturday, it will be a joy to be with those who are coming to decorate and set up for Sunday.  Sunday evening, as we all gather for this time of fellowship and wonder, it will be a joy to realize that through this time, and through all of Advent, what is truly going on is the work of a God who is using the Body of Christ to prepare us for the arrival of a Savior.

When you look at it from that perspective, kinda moves it from a "Oh, another event..." to "Oh! Another Event!  I wonder what God is going to show us this time!"

See you Sunday!
