Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vol 5 No 2 - The Early Present

The package arrived late yesterday afternoon, and, I must admit, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  It's a package I've been looking forward to, as I do every year, but I was not expecting it now.  I had been told to expect it anytime, but, seriously, now?

After all, through the contents of this package, God will do some amazing things.  Personally, I can't wait to see how this package will impact so many lives before it's time with us is done, and how many more will be impacted later.  I just wasn't expecting it now.  As I look at it and think about it, I'm still not sure I was ready for it to arrive now - for there are so many other things on my mind that I need to take care of before I can add anything else...and I know that the arrival of this package is going to mean a lot of work on the parts of lots of people to make sure that its intended purpose is fulfilled.

Of course, I speak of the High Seas Adventure VBS 2010 planning kit.  Full of ideas, directions, suggestions...but I had to laugh as Melanie brought it in at the point I was just wrapping up Christmas Eve planning.

Thinking further about it, though, I came to the conclusion that the timing was perfect, as the Christmas Eve message this year is going to examine our preparation for Christmas.

Christ has a habit of showing up when we are least prepared for Him - are you doing anything to improve your preparation?

See you Sunday!

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