Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vol 5 No 12 - Little Stuff

Did you notice it this past Sunday?  I know some of you did.  Others may not.  Trust me, it was intentional, and it will happen again this week, and for the rest of the season.  And, yes, it happened to make a statement, so the more we talk about it, the more the message may get out.  It's a little thing, to be sure, but it's amazing sometimes how much value we put on the little things.  Oftentimes, when the littlest things are changed in our lives, it can have a huge impact on our outlook as it relates to other things.

This was done not only to draw our attention to the simplicity of Lent, but to remind us that sometimes we can focus on those things that, in all reality, are not that big a deal when looked at from a broader perspective.  For, even though this change may have been made for this season, in no way was our worship compromised.  In fact, even with this change the symbolism was not, nor will be lost, in our worship setting.

All this to point to the fact that far too often in the Lenten observance as we look to eliminate those things in our lives that keep us from fully exploring the divine will, we try to make and embrace BIG changes.  Often, as we see in this little example of the candelabras in the sanctuary, we allow little things to truly make a BIG difference.

What is something 'little' in your life that is making a BIG difference in your relationship with Christ?

See you Sunday!


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