Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vol 5 No 34 - The Lingering Stink

I tried, but it didn't work.  Yesterday morning as I was preparing breakfast for our youth, I thought I had learned from last month's breakfast, and opened all the doors of the educational building to try and dissipate the lingering odors of pancakes and bacon throughout the building.  I hadn't done it last time since I was a little gun-shy about opening all the doors a little after 5AM while it was still dark outside.

However, the smell still lingered throughout the building all day yesterday.  Even with my best efforts to try and hit the overpowering odors.

Reflecting upon it later, I had to laugh, for it was a simple reminder that there are certain things that we cannot shake, no matter our best efforts.  And the great news is that the one thing we cannot shake, no matter our best efforts at times, is God's extravagant grace offered to us through Christ our Lord.

See You Soon!

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