Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vol 5 No 39 - Time to Get to Work

Time after time as last night wore on, we were given images of people gathering at events around the country to watch and wait for the results of what was sure to be, as is ANY national election, an historic occasion.  Some were jubilant as the results they worked so passionately for over a long time finally came to fruition.  Some were inconsolable as it became obvious that their beloved candidate was not going to realize (or would lose an already-attained) lifetime goal of a certain office.  Still others were, and still are, waiting for final counts or re-counts to be completed, which will have potentially far-reaching effects personally and for the nation as a whole.

Around 10:00 last night, as Erin and I watched the coverage of the national elections, my mind wondered to the next two months of our congregation's life, and to the Christian scene as a whole.  To wit:

1) We will be pledging in writing our commitments to uphold our membership vows, asking how committed are we to praying for, being present within, providing a specific percentage of our income (as we work towards or even surpass the 10% biblical tithe) to enable, and serve to fulfill, the ministries of our congregation;

2) We will be serving the needy of our community with a Thanksgiving Dinner;

3) We will be honored to celebrate as some of our young people make a public confession of their faith on Confirmation Sunday;

4) We will engage in the activities of the Advent season.

Considering these, and all the other things that God does in and through our lives, I wondered last night:

Do we as eagerly and with as much emotional investment seek to participate in and await the results of what God is attempting to do in and through us, the people of God called to ministry through the waters of baptism?

Americans have no higher responsibility than to actively participate in the machinations of the political process by being informed of the candidates and the issues before them, and voting as they best see fit.

However, as Christians, you and I have a much higher calling and responsibility - to actively participate in the work of the Kingdom of God, eagerly anticipating the privilege to see the results of how God works in and through Christ and His Church.

As more than one politician said last night, "It's time to get to work!"  And so it is for us, the Church.  Can't wait to see you as we continue the great work God has initiated through Jesus Christ and continues through us to this day.

See You Soon!

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