I hope and pray you were able to be blessed by worship on Christmas Eve and on this past Sunday, whether you were in town or if you were off visiting friends and family somewhere. Going through Advent can be physically and emotionally draining work due to the logistics of getting everything done; somehow, the music and liturgy of Christmas Eve and the oft-overlooked First Sunday of Christmas serve as a joyful reminder of the saving work that God initiated on Christmas morning so long ago.
Speaking of being reminded of the saving work that is embodied in the new-born King, I am issuing you a pastoral challenge this day. One of the campaigns launched every year during Advent in some circles is a move to "Keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas!" I couldn't agree more. As the people of God, however, I want to push you to go one further, and be sure to order your lives in such a way as to keep Christ not only in CHRISTmas, but also the other 364/5 days a year.
In this, the last Mid-Week Message of 2010, let this be a challenge for you, and for all of us, to spend 2011 keeping Christ in EVERY day of the year, not just the one that has his name in the title. Then, we might catch another glimpse of what it means to truly be the church.
See You Soon!