Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vol 6 No 3 - Do We HAVE to Pray?

Most of you know that I'm a "get to the point" kind of guy, so I'm not going to beat around the bush here - I need your help with one of the most important tasks we have as a church.

Quite frankly, I need you to pray.

Looking over the past year in the life of our congregation, indeed over the past four and a half years we have shared the journey of life together, we have seen some truly great and glorious things.  God has done some truly awe-inspiring stuff around here, and it has been an honor to participate in these things.

As we go forward in our shared journey together, it is time for us to rededicate ourselves to prayer.

Prayer specifically for me as your pastor, that I might be the kind of teacher, preacher, counselor, administrator, and all the other things that are expected and required in the sacred office to which I have been entrusted.

Prayer specifically for the leadership of this congregation, that the men and women whom you have entrusted as your leaders will make none but wise and faithful decisions.

Prayer specifically for the worshiping life of our congregation, that our attitudes towards our central time together are attitudes of hopeful expectation for what God has in store for us on any given Sunday, trusting that no matter what is said or sung, prayed or read, God is speaking and we listen with ears tuned by the Holy Spirit.

It is my firm belief that God has great things in store for our life together, and I am looking forward to the shared journey with you as we discover what all God is going to do.

To do our part in this journey, let us pray.  Let us always remember that Christ was very specific that our prayer should be for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Let us trust that God's will is much bigger than our imaginations, and let us be faithful to following him wherever we may be led, realizing that where we may be led may be a totally different place than where we want or where we think we should.

Then we have captured the essence of what it means to be the community of faith.

See You Soon!

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