Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Welcome to the Mid-Week Message!

Welcome to the inaugural Mid-Week Message, a ministry of Pharr Chapel United Methodist Church. In this weekly e-mail, the hope is that you will be encouraged, informed, and inspired through a message from the pastor, news about the upcoming events of the church (including a preview of worship for the upcoming week), and a review of things that have recently happened in the life of the church. In addition, information about Sunday School classes and weekly Bible studies will be included on a regular basis. Some of what you read will be covered in a previous or upcoming newsletter; most of it (hopefully) will be things that you might not hear of in other places or other ways. As with anything new, this e-mail is probably going to evolve as time goes on and I hope you will send me your thoughts and suggestions on what you would like to see in this thing. My desire is that you look forward to receiving this each Wednesday and that I 'hear about it' if you don't get it by 3:00 on Wednesday afternoons. You are encouraged to forward this on to others in the church who may not yet be on the distribution list, and to encourage them to sign up for it by sending me an e-mail (

Grace and Peace,