Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Vol 1 No 3 - Beyond Us

I spent the most amazing evening with our youth this past Sunday as we watched together the movie I AM SAM, starring Sean Penn. The evening was amazing not because of the movie, although I enjoyed it immensely. I was amazed not because of the pizza that we shared together, although our time hanging out while eating was a pleasure. Although our discussion following the movie was excellent, that too was not what stands out in my mind.

No, what stand out for me was seeing a room full of youth from this area gathering on a Sunday evening to fellowship with one another and to not only have church members and children of church members there but also to see that our youth had taken the initiative to invite others in to be a part of the group. This is the essence of the Gospel - bringing others to be a part of the body of Christ.

What an inspiration for us as a church - if our youth can be so intentional about inviting
their friends to something such as a movie and pizza on Sunday night (and who doesn't love a good movie and good pizza with friends), imagine what we have to offer to our friends and neighbors on Sunday mornings! A holy and divine time, given to us by God, for the sole purpose of being with the Almighty. A time where we come as one, casting aside all the world is throwing at us to keep us away from God. A time where we are one in prayer, in love, in song, in reading and hearing the Word, and in responding to that Word.

I'm so excited about what God is doing and will be doing at Pharr Chapel - let's celebrate
this and encourage all in our lives to become a part of God's presence in this holy community. The youth are leading the way - let's follow their inspirational example!

See you Sunday!