Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Vol 2 No 23 - Who's Agenda?

Yesterday was one of those great days that pastors get to have every so often in their careers. As you may remember, last fall at charge conference you formed a long-range planning committee and charged them with the task of coming up with a plan of action for our congregation to undertake within the next few years. During the formation of this group, you agreed to the condition that no area was off-limits - the entire body that is Pharr Chapel (organization, facilities, real estate, finances, worship) was to be looked over and this committee is to discern what it is that God is Pharr Chapel to look like. Over the past four months, we have been doing a detailed review of all aspects of our congregation's life, quantifying, as best as you can in situations like this, what are Pharr Chapel's strengths and weaknesses.

Last night, at our meeting, we started a discussion about what to do with this data. As we talked, it started to become a little clearer about what areas God is calling us to address and enhance (and this is not just about looking at weaknesses, but also about playing to our strengths). During all the white-boarding that went on, I was grabbed by something one of the members said: "The important thing is that we be intentional about being the best Pharr Chapel United Methodist Church that we can given what God has given us." This was a truly holy moment for me, in that it not only was practical, wise advice for a church on the move, but also very well-grounded biblically and theologically. One of the hardest things for any of us to do, whether it be in our personal lives, our family lives, our professional lives, or the life of the church, is to realize that what is important is not what I want, but what is best for the larger purpose. When we as a congregation start focusing on what it is God is calling us to be, rather than on what is it that we want to do or what it is that the church down the street is doing, THEN we are starting to put ourselves in a position to truly see where it is God wants to take us. After all, isn't the point of life not for us to go do things, but to allow God to lead us down the paths He has chosen for us?

We will be celebrating Youth Sunday this week. A quick word to the wise: If you want to catch a glimpse of where it is God is leading the church (the universal church), come be a part of this very special Sunday in which our youth lead us in worship. Note that I said lead us in worship, for this is not a place for us to come watch the youth worship. This is a place for us to allow ourselves to be led by the next generation to worship the God who spans ALL generations.

See you Sunday!