Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Vol 2 No 27 - Confirmation

On Sunday morning, Pharr Chapel will be celebrating one of the most vital moments of a congregation's life during the year. This Sunday, we will be witnesses to three young people who will be professing their faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ on Confirmation Sunday. It has been mine and Erin's privilege and honor to be with these three outstanding future leaders of God's church over the past four months. Through our Sunday afternoon discussions and a Saturday trip to Confirmation Day with the Bishop, we have enjoyed seeing them discover more about the triune God, the church, and themselves as we have journeyed through the Bible, church history, and their own faith story through their families.

I remember my own Confirmation Sunday. April 24, 1988. The sights, the sounds, the smells - I can remember it all. As the pastor put his hands upon me and prayed for me, it became very obvious the presence of the Holy Spirit in that time. Although I did not know it at the time, it was a major milestone in my life and did play a very important role in my future as a pastor. The people of the church helped make me realize it was a big day - for it was a packed house and the people (many of whom I still have the honor of being in touch with) who supported me and my classmates played a far bigger role than I realized at the time in not only telling me about the love of Christ, but modeling it to us.

My challenge for you as the people of Pharr Chapel United Methodist Church is to make sure that we do everything we can to help make this Sunday, June 3, 2007, a very memorable day for the three young people who will be making this historic decision to profess their faith in Jesus Christ. Make every effort to be in attendance this Sunday as we not only participate with them in this part of their faith journey but also are reminded of the time when we acknowledged Christ as Lord in our lives.

See you Sunday!

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