Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vol 2 No 30 - Congregational Prayer

Further down in this message, you will see a new section added to the weekly e-mail. You will be given two or three areas within the life of the congregation to lift up on a regular bases in this section called Prayer Emphases. So often, it is easy for us to start taking this community that God has given us for granted. We can allow ourselves to become detached (physically, spiritually, or emotionally) from our true home in the family of God. It is my hope and prayer that by getting now twice-weekly prayer reminders (once in the bulletin and now in this e-mail) you will be encouraged to pray not only for those individuals and situations that we mention, but also for the Pharr Chapel family.

God is doing amazing things in the life of this congregation. As I mentioned during worship last week, looking back over my first year as your pastor it is absolutely humbling and awe-inspiring to see where divine grace has brought us in this short time we have had together. I do not believe in prayer as a tool to manipulate God or as an ATM machine to get what we want, but as a discipline given to us by God to allow us to see more fully God's will for us. Through this emphasis on praying specifically for the ministries of the congregation, it is my hope and prayer that we will come to realize more of what God's intention is for us in these areas.

As we go along in this exercise, please e-mail me with suggestions for ministries to be lifted up that I may have missed. I will do my best to hit all the areas of our congregation, but know that with all that God is doing in our midst it may be hard for me to keep track of everything.

See you Sunday!

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