Thursday, June 7, 2007

Vol 2 No 28 - Connectionalism

I have been out of the office most of this week attending the 2007 session of the Louisiana Conference of The United Methodist Church. Over three-and-a-half days in Baton Rouge, almost 1000 clergy and laity from around the state gathered to hear reports about the ministries of the people called Methodist in Louisiana. Most important to me was not the business sessions, but the time spent in Christian conferencing and worship. The memorial service on Sunday night was truly memorable - it was nice to see Bishop Dan Solomon back in Louisiana again as he was the preacher for this service. As usual, Bishop Hutchinson brought his "A" game on Monday night during the ordination service; his was a notable message about having our hands up instead of out in relation to God. Another benefit of gathering with the larger church is the chance to catch up with old friends, colleagues, and parishoners, as well as meet new friends and colleagues. I want to commend your delegate, Dana Blanco, for her enthusiasm and attentiveness in attending her first conference. Look for Dana to give us all a brief report before worship on Sunday morning.

Speaking of connectionalism, we will be fortunate at Pharr Chapel this week to experience this uniquely Methodist tradition not once, but twice. As was announced in our newsletter and in worship last week, we will be observing Missions Day this Sunday. Rev. Larry Norman, Director of the Volunteers in Mission program for our conference, will be our guest preacher. I look forward to worshiping with Rev. Norman as he brings us the message. Prior to worship, Larry will be visiting with my Sunday School class. All of you are invited to join us at 9:00 AM to hear more about ways we can fulfill that which we say is important to us, fulfilling the great commission. Larry has been a friend of Pharr Chapel for many years and I cannot wait to join you in welcoming him to our family.

The other opportunity we have to celebrate our connectional nature as United Methodists will come on Tuesday night. We have the privilege and honor of hosting the youth choir from Klein United Methodist Church in Spring, Texas. Around 60 youth and 14 adults will be spending the week at First United Methodist Church in Franklin, LA, putting on their Vacation Bible School program in the mornings. To help raise funds for their ministry, their youth choir performs at area churches during the evening. Please make every effort to join us on Tuesday night at 7:00 PM to host these servants of God as they perform a wonderful dramatic interpretation of Scripture for us. Also be sure to invite friends and family from other churches and the community.

Look at these two events as not only special times on our church's calendar, but also an opportunity to realize once again that for those of us who are in the Christian faith, church goes far beyond the borders and rolls of the local congregation and into the entire world. What a great time to testify to the fact that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves.

See you Sunday!

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