Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vol 2 No 49 - Pastoral Hopes & Prayers

I don't know about you, but it is amazing how the holiday season seems to sneak up on us each year. Yesterday afternoon I spent getting our Advent calendar pretty much finalized, and, even though it is a little stressful to think of the craziness that is going on this year, I couldn't help but start to get excited. To think that in a couple of weeks, our sanctuary will be decorated with all the trappings of Advent is giving me all sorts of emotions - excitement, joy, anticipation, and even a little anxiety. Friday of this week, Melanie will be mailing to you our Advent calendar. As you read this calendar, and add the events of the church to your calendar, I invite you to seriously pray about where your focus is this holiday season. What is it that you are looking forward to the most during this time - gifts, family, time off, traditions, or even 'dear God, my hope for this holiday season is to just get through it'?

My hope and prayer for each of you as you begin to enter the holiday season is that what you anticipate the most, and what you look forward to the most, cannot be found on the shelves of a store, at an online website, or in a catalog. My hope and prayer for each of you as you begin to enter the holiday season is that what you anticipate the most, and what you look forward to the most, is not the people of your lives or the parties & dinners that you will attend with them.

My hope and prayer for each of you as you begin to enter the holiday season is that what you anticipate the most, and what you look forward to the most, is found in the beauty, richness, and depth of the anticipation of the arrival of our Savior, Christ the Lord. For anything else to be the focus of the holiday season would be nothing less than a tragedy.

See you Sunday!

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