Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vol 3 No 1 - Participation = Preparation

There is a GREAT video on YouTube that is a clip of a press conference NBA star Allen Iverson had a couple of years ago in Philadelphia. The subject of the press conference was a rift between Iverson and his coach, Larry Brown, after Iverson missed practice. Many of you may remember it, for Iverson says the word 'practice' about 20 times in 2.5 minutes. Watching this clip again (and, I must admit, it is one of my favorite YouTube videos), the very last thing that Iverson says in this clip (which is not the total interview) is, "How the [heck] can I make my teammates better by practicing?" Good question. GREAT question. One I think that we all should have to answer - how can I make others on my team important by practicing?

Going into the Advent season, I have had several people mention to me that it seems there is a lot on the church calendar for December and wondering how it is all going to come off. There's also been some mention of people not being able to make it to EVERYTHING on the calendar due to other important matters. My hope and prayer is that you will make an effort to be a part of as many activities as you are willing to make time for, since it is when we are the body of Christ come together that we are strengthened and encouraged in our quest to fulfill the Master's will in all things. Through things like the Hanging of the Green service, the Advent lunches, Bible studies, Sunday School, Salsa sales, and food drives, we catch a glimpse of the kingdom of God that we miss when we limit our participation in the activities of the body of Christ to simply showing up on Sunday morning for an hour.

Advent is a season of preparation. Four weeks where we focus our strength and energy on nothing other (in theory) than preparing to observe and celebrate once again the arrival of our Savior. Further, this season is not just about preparing ourselves as individuals to participate in the joyous celebration of Christmas, but to walk with one another in this time. As Paul reminds us in several places, we are the body of Christ, and when we miss the opportunity to be together, we are not being all that we can be, nor all that we should be.

To answer Allen Iverson's question, "How the [heck] can I make my teammates better by practicing?", let me conclude by saying that when you, each of you, are present in the activities of the community of faith, you bring to the rest of us another glimpse of God's saving work through the very life you present for His service. By doing that, you make all of us, your teammates, better. After all, what is participation in the body of Christ but, to quote Fanny Crosby, a 'foretaste of glory divine'?

See you Sunday!

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