Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vol 3 No 43 - The Integrity of Service

This past weekend as I participated in our youth group's Shrimp & Petroleum Festival parking lot fundraiser, I was reminded again in a very tangible way of the importance of us holding up our fourth vow of membership - to support this congregation with our service.  Every year I am amazed at the people we get to meet and re-connect with as we spend a few hours with the past, present, and future of the church.  Whether by standing on the street corner of Federal and Everett waving a sign, directing people to parking spots, bringing food for the workers to eat, being out and about as part of the cleanup or setup crews each day - there were so many ways that I had the privilege to see God's people taking seriously their vow to support this congregation with their service that I was truly inspired.

As I think most all of you area aware by now, I am a firm believer in 'putting your money where your mouth is', and no where more strongly than in our responsibility to live out the life we confess in Jesus Christ.  During the first three parts of this series, I have been in awe of how Scripture addresses this commitments we make to the Kingdom of God, and have been inspired to examine again my own commitment to the body of Christ.  My prayer is that you have as well.

In worship this Sunday, we will be looking at Paul's words to the Romans about the need to actively be involved in the Body of Christ.  I want to encourage you to come with a servant's heart, ready to hear and implement our mandate to be actively and not passively involved in this gift from God, the church of which his Son, Jesus Christ, is the head. 

See You Sunday!

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