Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vol 3 No 44 - Fellowship and Worship

For quite a while now, I have been eagerly anticipating this upcoming Sunday's events.  There is something truly holy and miraculous that occurs when a group of people gather together in the Lord's name, whether it be two or three working away at some of the behind-the-scenes stuff that makes ministry happen or if we are SRO for worship, lunch or any other activity.  After a month of looking at our sacred vows of membership from a Scriptural and theological perspective, I am excited about participating in a service of reaffirmation, in which we will remember our baptisms, renew our beliefs in the faith as handed down to us throughout the centuries, and recommit ourselves to upholding the vows of membership that we took when joining this congregation.  It is my firm belief that there is nothing in the world with more potential and more power than a group of people committed to bringing about the Kingdom of God here and now.  

Also, we must never allow ourselves to underestimate the power of fellowship.  As you all should be aware by now, we will, immediately after worship, be renewing our tradition of having a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.  This meal, which is NOT a covered-dish (all you have to do is show up), will be a time for us to celebrate our commitment to being a part of this community of faith.  There are few things in the life of the church as enjoyable as seeing the generations of the church gathered together for food and conversation.

Finally, thank you to all who have called or written to ask about Erin.  Her surgery (to relieve sinus issues) yesterday went well, and she is recuperating at home.  We are grateful for your care, concern, and understanding.

See You Sunday!

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