Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vol 4 No 32 - Writer's Block

Writer's block.  A phenomenon that anyone who has spent time in any sort of school environment has hit at one time or another.  That time where you know you have to write something, but have no idea what to say or how to say it in a way that would cause any interest on the part of the reader/hearer (not to mention you.)  It has been my experience that many times writer's block comes along when composing thoughts or words about subjects you know well.

I've been thinking a great deal about writer's block lately, for I wonder if part of what faces the Christian is the idea that we've said all there needs to be said; to quote from the Eucharist, "Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again."  Or, for a lengthier version, the contents of the Apostle's Creed or the Nicene Creed do nicely to sum up what we have to say.

And there's the rub.  In a society where we are bombarded with thousands of messages (large and small) every day, it can be tempting at times to attempt to change our message in a continual quest to be relevant, when the fact of the matter is that the message we give, the message of grace and peace through the Lordship of Jesus Christ, is one that we must be diligent about repeating.

We are never at a loss for something to say, for ours is not to come up with something to say, but simply to share what Christ has already said.  Don't let anyone try to fool you into thinking otherwise. 

See you Sunday!


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