Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vol 4 No 34 - I Know this Already...

I've heard it before.  I know it by heart.  Do we really need to cover this again?  We all know what happened, whose fault it is, and the consequences thereof, so why not move on to something a little more obscure, a little more interesting, a little more challenging?

Admittedly, this was part of my attitude as I approached the first session of our latest Bible study, Introduction to Genesis.  After all, one of the more universally known things about the Bible is the story of Genesis 1-3.  The creation of the world and the distortion of that world by humanity being disobedient to God's command.  Pretty basic stuff, found on the 'baby food' aisle of Christianity.

But then, reading and processing these passages with our Sunday night crew and our Tuesday morning crew reminded me that there is always something more to be gleaned from the scripture, and it is essential for our growth in the faith and in our knowledge of scripture to never take for granted what we think is in there.  Not to give away the story, but I would urge you to take a moment and do the following:

1. From memory, without opening your Bible, write down how the fall of humanity went, with as much detail as possible.

2. Go read Genesis 3.

3. Note any differences?  (and remember, details are important)

Moral of the story:  Christianity is an active, not passive, lifestyle.  Don't rest on what you already know to keep you from discovering more, and growing in the faith as a result of that discovery.

See you Sunday!


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