Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vol 5 No 14 - Lenten Journey

Looking out the window this morning while waiting, I was reminded once again of the glory of this Lenten journey.

It's no small secret that the elevator at a local hospital is notoriously slow in arriving to the upper floors, and usually I find this wait more than slightly annoying.  Today, however, I took pause and reflected on how when I left the house it was pitch dark.  By the time I got done visiting with one having surgery, it wasn't quite as dark - the first glimmer of light started peeking over the horizon as I looked down Victor II.  Then as I waited for the elevator (those of you who have been there know what I mean), there was more and more light, and by the time I got to my office, there was no need of the car's headlights.

This is, upon reflection, the story of our Lenten journey.  A journey from darkness to light.  A journey wherein we see things in a different way by moving from existing in darkness to living in the light.

Until we allow ourselves to traverse through the dark, we cannot have an appreciation for just how much light changes our world.  That is what is so transformative about the Lenten journey - by spending time in a season of darkness, we can more appropriately respond to the glory of Easter Sunday.

Don't allow yourselves to be one who misses the joy of Easter by skipping the long journey through Lent.  Through worship, study, weekly luncheons, mission opportunities, Palm Sunday, and Holy Week, there are plenty of ways for you to join in our Lenten observance.  By being with fellow Christians on the journey to Easter, we can bask together in the glory of the Resurrection.

See you Sunday!


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