Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Vol 5 No 16 - Shortcut to Easter?

It's Holy Week, ladies & gentlemen.  There's really not much more to add at this point, so just some brief reminders about this week's schedule.

By now, you know that we will be joining the church universal in worshiping at our Lord's table on Holy Thursday, solemnly gathering in the shadow of the cross on Good Friday, and basking in the glory of the empty tomb on Easter Sunday.

As is the case whenever God's people gather for worship, there is always the joyful anticipation of Christ revealing himself in ways heretofore unimagined to us.  I know most all of you will be in worship with us (or somewhere, for those of you who are not in our area) on Easter Sunday.  Don't forget, however, that we don't get to Easter Sunday without going through Holy Thursday and Good Friday.  Make it a point to be here @ 6:00 both evenings.

This year, we will also be blessed by joining with our friends from Trinity Episcopal on Friday @ 3:00 to process through the stations of the cross.  We will start and finish our journey at their facilities on the corner of Second and Greenwood.

Sharing the journey of our Lord into the Upper Room, over to Golgotha at the cross, and to the soon-to-be empty tomb - personally, I can't wait!


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