Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vol 6 No 14 - Not Alone

Lent, by it's very nature, is not exciting, nor glamorous, nor entertaining.  Lent is hard work.  Good thing we are not called to do it in isolation.

As you enter into the sanctuary for our 6:00PM service on Ash Wednesday, you will be greeted by a sign that encourages you to enter in silence.  As part of observing this silent time of preparation, reading through the notes found in your worship guide, take a good look around the sanctuary.  Note that as you start this season of self-examination and sacrifice, you are not in this journey alone.  

It can be very easy to find Lent a difficult time.  And it is.  Let's not make it any harder than it needs to be by going at it alone.

Come and worship as a community
on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Come and serve as a community
through our mission opportunities.

Come and fellowship as a community
through our Lenten Luncheons.

Come and study as a community
through our various study groups.

Come and be as a community
through being present
in the life of the church this season.

Through our shared life in the community, I promise you these 40 days won't be as long as you might think. Easter is coming.

See you Sunday (and Wednesday)!

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