Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vol 6 No 16 - Being a Blessing

So, to follow up with the text from worship last week (Genesis 12:1-4a), have you been a blessing this week?  Through your daily interactions with the world in which you live - home, work, community - have you taken that which God has so graciously given you and been a blessing to others?

Over 120 of you were a blessing to me and to each other this past Sunday as you joined together as the community of faith in worship.  My hope and prayer is that you also experienced God's grace and love through this sacred time we were given by God.

As a word of encouragement, let me say that in addition to leaving this place and striving to be a blessing to others beyond the walls of this church, be sure to also remember your opportunity to be a blessing to your fellow saints in the church.  

Today at noon, we will gather to break bread and feed on the Gospel lesson over lunch, sharing together this truly sacred time of Lenten observance.
Later today, we will gather to lift up all those God has placed on our hearts to place on our prayer list, and share in the sacred meal of the Lord's Supper.
The youth of our church will gather after our prayer & communion service to engage in their Lenten Bible Study while our choir will prepare for our upcoming worship services as well as continue their work on the Good Friday service.
Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to join with our friends from Trinity Episcopal as we continue the exploration of our shared faith expressed in our common affirmation of faith, the Nicene Creed.

Be honest - how many of you feel that you either do not have the time or the interest to participate in any of our activities other than Sunday morning worship, and that only if we cannot find something else to use our time?

Be honest - how many times do we focus on what we can get out of or put into something to measure whether or not we are going to participate?

On this sacred Wednesday morning, let me encourage you to remember the calling first given to Abram to be a blessing.  I know you have a lot going on and may not think you need much more than Sunday mornings; allow me to remind you that by your very presence and your participation you have the opportunity to be a blessing to others.

Journeying through Lent, be intentional about seeking out how to be a blessing to others.  Take what God has given you and share it through your ministry of presence.

For, wherever you are, in our area or far away, the fact is God's people have been called together to be the church, and you, through the very fact you have been given life, have a blessing to provide simply by showing up.

And I pray that as we are together I may be a blessing to you.

See you Sunday (and Wednesday)!

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