It is a cooler, rainy morning as I attempt to compose this week's e-mail to you and as I look out the window I am reminded just how much things beyond our control seem to affect our lives. For instance, this past Sunday was a hard one for me, for when there is bad weather on a Sunday morning (for reasons I still cannot fathom), attendance is down, offerings are down, but most importantly, people's spirits seem to be down. Greeting many of you on Sunday morning, and looking at my own self, I couldn't help but notice that it seemed to be very hard to get up and get motivated for Sunday School and worship. However, as always, God was present when the people of God gathered together in the name of Christ - and we were blessed by the Holy time we had together as one.
However, this got me to thinking - if something beyond our control, such as the weather, can have such an impact on our lives and our worship (including whether or not to even attend), then what other things are we allowing to impact our lives and our worship, indeed our relationship, with God? Do we fully grasp the idea that there are so many things that can, so innocently and unassumingly, affect our physical and spiritual well-being?
Should the question instead be: "Do we realize just how many things beyond our control WE ALLOW to affect our relationship with God?" After all, so many people I've talked to have mentioned our desperate need of rain. Then, when we see rain come to our community, so many people use it as an excuse to not get out and worship the very God who provides for all our needs, including rain. The weather is but one example of this phenomenon - as you look into your soul I am sure you can easily find other examples along this line. (For example - politicians, gas-station attendants, cashiers at stores, bad drivers, tele-marketers, talk-radio & TV...)
As we move into this upcoming academic year, I want to encourage you to use TODAY as a day of new beginnings. A day where you individually, and we as the collective Body of Christ, stop allowing those things beyond our control to have influnce on our relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
See you Sunday!