Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Vol 2 No 16 - Planning Ahead

Time marches on in life, more so everyday. If you don't take time to plan ahead, you'll wind up paying a price for it at some point. Sometimes, when you think you are on top of things, something else hits you out of the blue. Late last week, I thought I was on top of things. I have gotten in the habit of backing up my computer once a month (more when I can remember) and was just thinking I needed to back up some things when my hard drive crashed Saturday afternoon. I do not mean it got corrupted and I had to re-install everything - I mean it physically locked up. Fortunately, I have lost only 2 weeks of data. However, the one thing I forgot to back up at all was my calendar program, which is probably the one thing I rely on most (outside of Firefox.) The reason the calendar is on my mind so much is that I announced to the church council on Monday night about worship for this summer, and I am going to need all of you to help me plan this summer's worship schedule, for we will be doing a series on "Favorite Scriptures of Pharr Chapel".

In your bulletin for the next three weeks will be a survey where you will be asked to list your top 10 favorite scriptures. As the entries come in, I will tally them up and the ten getting the most points will be the text for our worship this summer. We will start this series on June 10 and conclude August 26. Many of you know that I ask you to participate weekly in the sermon process by praying for me as I prepare - now I am asking you to go one step further and give input on this summer's worship.

I look forward to this being a great time of fellowship and fun, as well as an opportunity for us to explore those sacred scriptures that mean so much to the people of our congregation.

See you Sunday!