As we read the Scriptures, from the times of the prophets to the letters of the New Testament, we encounter many occasions where the people of God went away to be refreshed and renewed for the work of the Kingdom. In a society where work-a-holism is celebrated by many as one of the primary indicators of a successful person, we very easily make excuses for not stepping away from life to be refreshed and renewed in the Spirit through prayer, study, worship, and Christian conferencing. This week has been a true blessing for us at Epworth-by-the-Sea on St. Simon's Island, GA attending a retreat sponsored by the World Methodist Evangelism arm of the World Methodist Council. Through the first two days we have had here, we have been in renewal groups, workshops, and worship led by world-class teachers and preachers. It is truly amazing to see how God is using the people called Methodist all over the world to spread the Good News. At lunch today (Tuesday), we broke bread with friends from Canada and Ireland, and we were blessed by hearing what God is doing in the midst of those lands. This evening (Tuesday), we heard testimony from a medical evangelist in Brazil. I also have had the great joy of running into friends that I have not seen in years that I had no idea would be here. God is truly amazing - and it is an honor to be here.
We have only been here a couple of days so I cannot make a definitive report on the week, but I can tell you that I am convinced more than ever that we must be intentional about setting aside time for prayer, study, and the edification of the body. When was the last time you set aside time for God to speak to you?
See you Sunday!
We have only been here a couple of days so I cannot make a definitive report on the week, but I can tell you that I am convinced more than ever that we must be intentional about setting aside time for prayer, study, and the edification of the body. When was the last time you set aside time for God to speak to you?
See you Sunday!