Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Vol 2 No 18 - Coming to Order

This Sunday, we get to experience several excellent things in the life of our congregation. First, we will be worshiping as one this week at 10:00AM (ONE SERVICE ONLY), and that is always an exciting time. Our sanctuary holds between 130-150 comfortably; my hope is that we will be pushing the limits of our seating comfort. Secondly, after worship, we will be dining together in fellowship hall (with an Easter Egg Hunt to follow), and it is a blessing when we not only can worship together, but also dine together. Finally, and most importantly, we will be marking the beginning of our Holy Week observance with Palm Sunday worship.

In his excellent work on the Christian year, Ancient-Future Time, Dr. Robert Webber notes the following about Palm Sunday:

We should not look on Palm Sunday simply as a day to recall the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is that, but it is more. It is our own entry into the most solemn yet the most glorious experience of spirituality. For Jesus, Palm Sunday was his gateway to the culminating events of his earthly life. As we enter that gate with him, our spiritual lives are being ordered into the most sacred moments of the history of the world and of our own experience with the meaning of human existence.

This, my friends, is my prayer for each of you as we enter into Holy Week 2007 on Palm Sunday. May your lives be ordered into the most sacred moments of the history of the world and of your own experience with the meaning of human existence.

See you Sunday!