There are some things in life for which you should need no outside motivation. For my beloved Boston Celtics, and those guys from Los Angeles, tonight provides one of those occasions. Two words: Game Seven. Professional athletes can make or break their reputations in situations like these. Even if these weren't the two most successful franchises in the history of their league, even if they were the champions of the past two seasons (Celtics in 2008, Lakers in 2009), even if their rivalry didn't go back 51 years, the words Game Seven should be enough motivation for them to do their dead level best, leaving nothing on the table.
Thing is, as much as a Game Seven should motivate world-class athletes without another word being said or trick being pulled, you and I have something more to motivate us to bring our 'A' game every day. You and I have been given the gift of reconciliation with our creator through the grace of Jesus Christ, and not by our own strength, but with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Because of this grace, you and I should need no more motivation to spread the Gospel to all the world in thought, word, and deed. Because of this grace, you and I have all the reason in the world to make sure that we live our lives in such a way as to bring glory to God.
Tuesday evening, the Celtics lost their starting center, Kendrick Perkins, to torn ligaments in his knee. He will be unavailable for Game Seven. The Lakers' center, Andrew Bynum, is also fighting knee issues, but he will play tonight. Doesn't matter. These are not good enough reasons to say we can't win Game Seven. No matter who is available or not available, or at what level of strength, you must bring your best and believe that you will win, or else you have no business setting foot on the floor.
Just as injuries happen to athletes, things happen to you and me that we could use as excuses to not do our best in living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can come up with all the excuses in the world to not tithe, not be in worship every Sunday, not provide aid to those in need, not seek out mission opportunities, not tell others of how Christ has radically transformed our lives, etc.; at the end of the day, those are just excuses. Because of the grace given to us by God through Christ, you and I have all the motivation in the world to take advantage of every opportunity to worship, tithe, help the poor and needy, seek out mission opportunities, evangelize, testify, etc. If it takes anything else to motivate you to live out the life you have been given by grace, we seriously need to talk.
If you watch the game tonight, you will probably hear the cliché, "There's no tomorrow for these two teams. Nothing to hold back for another day."
For the Christian that we proclaim to be, we already know that's true for EVERY DAY, for we do not know the day or the hour when Christ will come again. As James tells us, tomorrow's not guaranteed. If we aren't in the business of bringing to Christ all that we can each and every day, each and every moment, for what are we waiting? After all, there's no guarantee you're going to get tomorrow to correct what you didn't do today.
The Celtics and the Lakers have all the motivation in the world to bring everything they have: Game Seven.
You and I have been given all the motivation in the world to bring everything we have: Good Friday & Easter Sunday.
'Nuff said.
See You Soon!